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Yiddish Schmoozers
in Translation
. . . hosts conversations about Jewish literature and culture, focusing on Yiddish writers in English translation. We meet on Zoom every four to six weeks.
Discussions are moderated by Gelya Frank and Rabbi Haim Beliak.

Photo by Andre Kertesz. Le Dome Cafe, Montparnasse, 1928.
We welcome you to explore with us works from Eastern Europe and the Ashkenazic diaspora in the 20th and 21st centuries, as well as visit other Jewish identities, places and times.
Members' varied backgrounds inform the discussion: historical, literary, artistic, anthropological, rabbinic. You don't have to
be an artist or scholar to join.
All are welcome with just a few rules . . .

Poets of the Yung Vilne (Young Vilna) group between the World Wars.
Rule 1. Schmooze only on the topic.
Rule 2. Respect other schmoozers.
Rule 3. Refrain from schmoozing if you haven't read the book.
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